About Harvest Family Church

HFC is a vibrant, contagious community of believers in Jesus Christ, filled with love for God, and His Spirit, His word and one another; with a mission to go and give that love away to whomever they encounter. John 13:34-35; John 17:20-23; Mark 16:15-16.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We Touch the Future

Part 5

4. The Seed of Wisdom

Wisdom: The combination of honesty and knowledge applied through experience. Wisdom is honest knowledge in action.

Honesty, The Unfailing Boomerang. Who you are will come full circle, that’s what a boomerang is designed to do. Every time an individual engages in dishonest activities in time it will come back to haunt him.

As a model of testing ourselves on a daily basis, we can ask ourselves three questions.
1. Is this true?
2. Is this what I believe I should do?
3. Is what I say consistent with what I do?

These three questions involve consistently thinking, doing, and saying what you believe to be true. There is one more question that you should consider after you are satisfied that you can be consistent on the three points. The base question is; what is the effect of this decision going to be on the others involved? To be effective human beings, we must consider the impact of our decisions on other people in our lives. The ability to anticipate the probable effects of our decisions on other people’s lives, as well as on our own life this is wisdom. When we honestly consider the well being of others, before we decide to profit ourselves, we become truly rich in the deepest sense.

Knowledge: a result or product of knowing; information or understanding acquired through experience, practical ability, or skill.

We teach our children all the facts, Math, English, History, Science; we live in a time when technology is advancing so fast that we can’t keep up; we write text books and they are obsolete before they hit the presses. This knowledge is good. A primary goal should be to help our children discover their own natural abilities so they can blend these talents with acquired skills and knowledge to achieve maximum satisfaction in their individual lives. Proverbs 22:6 “Train up (set life patterns) a child in the way he should go (keeping with his natural bent or gifts) and when he is old he will not depart from it.

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