About Harvest Family Church

HFC is a vibrant, contagious community of believers in Jesus Christ, filled with love for God, and His Spirit, His word and one another; with a mission to go and give that love away to whomever they encounter. John 13:34-35; John 17:20-23; Mark 16:15-16.

Monday, April 28, 2008


When Disney World held its grand opening on Olrlando, Florida, the widow of Walt Disney was there. The great park was beautiful, exceeding every hope and dream. Someone walked up to Mrs. Disney and said, "I wish Walt could have seen this" She smiled and replied, "He did" If there hadn't been a Walt Disney to dream it into existance , Disney World would never have been built.

Take a walk through the world today and look closely. All that you see, all that you hear, ia a result of some individule's passionate dream. Many thought the "horseless carriage" would never make it, but there was one dreamer who closed his eyes and saw streets full with automobiles. A top computer executive once remarked that the average home had no use for a computer; but someone else had a dream that compelled him to disprove that preconception.

Each new change in our world comes to pass because someone gazes into the realm of possibility rather than mere actuality. Dreams are amazing seeds; they sprout into new wonders that change the wolrd forever.

That's fine, you might remark, for pioneers and saints and inventers. But what about the rest of us?

The fact is, you too, are a dreamer. Every stride you have taken---in education, in family, in vocation---has been propelled by the high-energy fuel of your dreams and visions. But those were only the beginning. Even now, there is the seed of a dream within you. Will you help it grow?

Bruce Wilkinson, The Dream Giver

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.

Dream deep, for every dream preceds the goal

---Paula Vaull Starr---

Dreams grab us and move us.

They are capable of lifting us to new heights

and overcoming self-imposed limitations.

---Robert Kriegel---

Some of us are skeptical about whether every human being is a dreamer. Perhaps we doubt because we see so few people pursuing their dreams. But try to imagine life with no dream to captivate it. What would that be like? It woulf be a life without hope, purpose, or motivation. The dreamless soul would be little more than an organism, eating and sleeping, filling out its day between the womb and the tomb.

Dreams are what set us apart as God's children. He gave us our personalities, our gifts our own fingerprints, and our dreams. They are fragile and precious, like candles illuminating our souls within. Their brightness reveals a snapshot of the world we would most dearly want to inhabit. They reveal the activity we would chosse above all others in life. They set out the goal we instictively fell we were made to pursue.

What would we trade simply for the experience of the quest of this dream? Nearly everything! Where would we go in order to see it to fruition? Nearly anywhere! What would we give in price? All our lives, all our time; everything we have to give. It would be like the pricious pearl described by Jesus; one wouls give away all that he owns just to possess it.

Nothing within us is more poerful that the dream, except the Lord who placed it there and gave it His power. He knitted its delicate threads into the fabric of your soul. It is essentially who you are, and your imagination will eventually take its very shape. How, then, can you follow your dream?

First we must ask: What if it is impossible? Many people quickly state that this is so. "I cannot follow my dream because _________________." With what reason would you fill in that blank? Finaces? Family? Timing? Abilities? A little reflection wuld show you that they are not truly reasons at all. Is there no way in all the world to taise those finances? Would your family really prevent you? Is the timing really impossible?

Your feelings toward the dream really hindges upon your feelings toward God, don't they? After all, He made every ounce of you. Would the God you love fasten your soul to a dead-end dream? Would He assign you a journey without a road?

And above all, is anything really impossible if God wants it done?

These are important questions! Answer them carefully, for your responses will reroute your drean and your life.
For more information call HFC (905) 640-3950