About Harvest Family Church

HFC is a vibrant, contagious community of believers in Jesus Christ, filled with love for God, and His Spirit, His word and one another; with a mission to go and give that love away to whomever they encounter. John 13:34-35; John 17:20-23; Mark 16:15-16.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We Touch the Future

Part 4

3. The Seed of Responsibility

As a society, we protest for individual liberty and social order in the same breath. We strive for material wealth and would like spiritual wealth as a by-product. We plead for more protection from crime, but demand less interference in our social habits. We want to cut taxes, take the great risk, and build our own destinies and at the same time we want financial security and safety provide by our government. But we can’t have it both ways. If we want results we must be willing to pay the price.

Our rewards in life will depend on the quality and amount of the contribution we make. Every cause brings its effect; every action has a consequence. If a man plants melons he will reap melons; if he sows beans, he will reap beans. This is true in everyone’s life; good begets good, and evil leads to evil.

True enough, the sun shines on the saint and the sinner alike, and too often it seems that the wicked prosper. But we can say with certainty that, with the individual as with the nation, the flourishing of the wicked is an illusion, for, unceasingly, life keeps books on us all.

In the end, we are all the sum total of our actions. Character cannot be counterfeited, nor can it be put on and cast off as it if were a garment to meet the whim of the moment. Like the markings on wood that are ingrained in the very heart of the tree, character requires time and maturing for growth and development. Day by day, we write our own destiny.
Galatians 6:7; Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

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