Three Enemies of Healing
E.W. Kenyon
It is easier for us to face the problem of the failure of unanswered prayer, if we understand some of the reasons for it.
One of the Worst
One of the worst enemies of healing is, that unconsciously our hymn writers have all put our blessings into the future.
The theology that we sing eventually becomes the theology we believe.
We have unconsciously put all our blessings and Spiritual achievements into the “tomorrow.”
Almost no one speaks of their redemption rights in the present tense.
It is always, “I’m going to be.”
But the remarkable thing about the Scripture is that it is always in the present tense.
“In whom we have our redemption.” “Who was raised for our justification.”
There is the past and present blended in that glorious truth.
“By His stripes we were healed,” this is now!
“Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.”
This is all in the present tense. Sometimes He speaks of our redemption as having taken place.
If you can think of your healing as something that is done now; that has been accomplished on your behalf in Christ.
More than 130 times we are spoken of as being “in Christ.” If you are in Christ that is present tense. “You are complete in Him.” He is our fullness, our perfect redemption, now! You can see the great danger of our placing our blessings in “tomorrow.”
We have done it because of our sense of unfitness now; of our unworthiness now; and because of that sense of unfitness and unworthiness we have unconsciously pushed our victories and our healing into the future, when in reality, in the mind of God, we are healed now.
We are victors now! We are over-comers now! We are more than conquerors now in Christ Jesus!
Learn to think of yourself as indwelt, now through our Lord Jesus. Think of yourself as a victor, now; more than a conqueror now and you have placed yourself in your own mind where God has placed you.
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” Notice the “now.”
“For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” That is past tense.
That is salvation, healing, deliverance, victory, now! Praise the Lord!!!
The Second Enemy
The second enemy is Mental Assent. This, the most dangerous and the most subtle of all the enemies of the human soul.
One may be deceived for years thinking that it is faith that is acting when it is only mental assent. You can be a staunch advocate of the verbal inspiration of the Word of God; you can sit under the ministry of an able expositor of the Word of God, and still not believe in faith. Mental assent recognises the truths but it does not enjoy any of the present tense realities. They stand beside the showcase and gaze upon the beautiful gems within. They rejoice in them, they can point out the differences on them. They know the difference between a faulty stone and a perfect one, but they do not own any. There is a man who understands the great prophetical teachings; rejoices greatly in the finished work of Christ; yet lives in defeat; lives in the consciousness of utter failure. What is the trouble? He mental assents to everything, but doesn’t believe.
In contrast: A believer is one who has received; who has entered into the fullness; who enjoys the present tense of the Finished Work of Christ. If we could coin the word, a Believer is a “have-er.” He has; he enjoys the experiences and the riches of the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come. He has passed the period of mental assent into the actual realization of the glories of Christ.
The Third Enemy
A Third enemy is the fear of yielding all to Christ. It is the old problem of the Lordship of Christ. It is strange how a man fears to yield utterly, absolutely, to the Lordship of Jesus.
It is hard for the sick to give up their medicine and their doctors. It is hard for another to yield to the Lord in regard to finances.
But you will never reach a place of real faith until you have laid aside every other means of help, relief and deliverance. God does not bless means, except to those in the babyhood state of faith.
But those who by reason of time have reached a place of full knowledge that God does not bless fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; Ephesians 5:11-12.
If you want God’s best, you will lay your best on the alter. You see, real faith thanks God for deliverance, before God has acted or delivered. Anything short of that is not faith.
If I believe in the Scriptural sense, in Divine Healing, I praise God for my healing before I am healed. The same law holds in Salvation. “That it you confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is lord, and believe in your heart that He rose from the dead, you shall be saved.”
Man believes he is redeemed before he is born again, and when he believes then God acts. We make confession that the thing is done before God has done it. Then God does it.
Faith always praises before God acts.
Three Enemies of Healing
E.W. Kenyon
It is easier for us to face the problem of the failure of unanswered prayer, if we understand some of the reasons for it.
One of the Worst
One of the worst enemies of healing is, that unconsciously our hymn writers have all put our blessings into the future.
The theology that we sing eventually becomes the theology we believe.
We have unconsciously put all our blessings and Spiritual achievements into the “tomorrow.”
Almost no one speaks of their redemption rights in the present tense.
It is always, “I’m going to be.”
But the remarkable thing about the Scripture is that it is always in the present tense.
“In whom we have our redemption.” “Who was raised for our justification.”
There is the past and present blended in that glorious truth.
“By His stripes we were healed,” this is now!
“Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.”
This is all in the present tense. Sometimes He speaks of our redemption as having taken place.
If you can think of your healing as something that is done now; that has been accomplished on your behalf in Christ.
More than 130 times we are spoken of as being “in Christ.” If you are in Christ that is present tense. “You are complete in Him.” He is our fullness, our perfect redemption, now! You can see the great danger of our placing our blessings in “tomorrow.”
We have done it because of our sense of unfitness now; of our unworthiness now; and because of that sense of unfitness and unworthiness we have unconsciously pushed our victories and our healing into the future, when in reality, in the mind of God, we are healed now.
We are victors now! We are over-comers now! We are more than conquerors now in Christ Jesus!
Learn to think of yourself as indwelt, now through our Lord Jesus. Think of yourself as a victor, now; more than a conqueror now and you have placed yourself in your own mind where God has placed you.
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” Notice the “now.”
“For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” That is past tense.
That is salvation, healing, deliverance, victory, now! Praise the Lord!!!
The Second Enemy
The second enemy is Mental Assent. This, the most dangerous and the most subtle of all the enemies of the human soul.
One may be deceived for years thinking that it is faith that is acting when it is only mental assent. You can be a staunch advocate of the verbal inspiration of the Word of God; you can sit under the ministry of an able expositor of the Word of God, and still not believe in faith. Mental assent recognises the truths but it does not enjoy any of the present tense realities. They stand beside the showcase and gaze upon the beautiful gems within. They rejoice in them, they can point out the differences on them. They know the difference between a faulty stone and a perfect one, but they do not own any. There is a man who understands the great prophetical teachings; rejoices greatly in the finished work of Christ; yet lives in defeat; lives in the consciousness of utter failure. What is the trouble? He mental assents to everything, but doesn’t believe.
In contrast: A believer is one who has received; who has entered into the fullness; who enjoys the present tense of the Finished Work of Christ. If we could coin the word, a Believer is a “have-er.” He has; he enjoys the experiences and the riches of the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come. He has passed the period of mental assent into the actual realization of the glories of Christ.
The Third Enemy
A Third enemy is the fear of yielding all to Christ. It is the old problem of the Lordship of Christ. It is strange how a man fears to yield utterly, absolutely, to the Lordship of Jesus.
It is hard for the sick to give up their medicine and their doctors. It is hard for another to yield to the Lord in regard to finances.
But you will never reach a place of real faith until you have laid aside every other means of help, relief and deliverance. God does not bless means, except to those in the babyhood state of faith.
But those who by reason of time have reached a place of full knowledge that God does not bless fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; Ephesians 5:11-12.
If you want God’s best, you will lay your best on the alter. You see, real faith thanks God for deliverance, before God has acted or delivered. Anything short of that is not faith.
If I believe in the Scriptural sense, in Divine Healing, I praise God for my healing before I am healed. The same law holds in Salvation. “That it you confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is lord, and believe in your heart that He rose from the dead, you shall be saved.”
Man believes he is redeemed before he is born again, and when he believes then God acts. We make confession that the thing is done before God has done it. Then God does it.
Faith always praises before God acts.Three Enemies of Healing
E.W. Kenyon
It is easier for us to face the problem of the failure of unanswered prayer, if we understand some of the reasons for it.
One of the Worst
One of the worst enemies of healing is, that unconsciously our hymn writers have all put our blessings into the future.
The theology that we sing eventually becomes the theology we believe.
We have unconsciously put all our blessings and Spiritual achievements into the “tomorrow.”
Almost no one speaks of their redemption rights in the present tense.
It is always, “I’m going to be.”
But the remarkable thing about the Scripture is that it is always in the present tense.
“In whom we have our redemption.” “Who was raised for our justification.”
There is the past and present blended in that glorious truth.
“By His stripes we were healed,” this is now!
“Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.”
This is all in the present tense. Sometimes He speaks of our redemption as having taken place.
If you can think of your healing as something that is done now; that has been accomplished on your behalf in Christ.
More than 130 times we are spoken of as being “in Christ.” If you are in Christ that is present tense. “You are complete in Him.” He is our fullness, our perfect redemption, now! You can see the great danger of our placing our blessings in “tomorrow.”
We have done it because of our sense of unfitness now; of our unworthiness now; and because of that sense of unfitness and unworthiness we have unconsciously pushed our victories and our healing into the future, when in reality, in the mind of God, we are healed now.
We are victors now! We are over-comers now! We are more than conquerors now in Christ Jesus!
Learn to think of yourself as indwelt, now through our Lord Jesus. Think of yourself as a victor, now; more than a conqueror now and you have placed yourself in your own mind where God has placed you.
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” Notice the “now.”
“For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” That is past tense.
That is salvation, healing, deliverance, victory, now! Praise the Lord!!!
The Second Enemy
The second enemy is Mental Assent. This, the most dangerous and the most subtle of all the enemies of the human soul.
One may be deceived for years thinking that it is faith that is acting when it is only mental assent. You can be a staunch advocate of the verbal inspiration of the Word of God; you can sit under the ministry of an able expositor of the Word of God, and still not believe in faith. Mental assent recognises the truths but it does not enjoy any of the present tense realities. They stand beside the showcase and gaze upon the beautiful gems within. They rejoice in them, they can point out the differences on them. They know the difference between a faulty stone and a perfect one, but they do not own any. There is a man who understands the great prophetical teachings; rejoices greatly in the finished work of Christ; yet lives in defeat; lives in the consciousness of utter failure. What is the trouble? He mental assents to everything, but doesn’t believe.
In contrast: A believer is one who has received; who has entered into the fullness; who enjoys the present tense of the Finished Work of Christ. If we could coin the word, a Believer is a “have-er.” He has; he enjoys the experiences and the riches of the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come. He has passed the period of mental assent into the actual realization of the glories of Christ.
The Third Enemy
A Third enemy is the fear of yielding all to Christ. It is the old problem of the Lordship of Christ. It is strange how a man fears to yield utterly, absolutely, to the Lordship of Jesus.
It is hard for the sick to give up their medicine and their doctors. It is hard for another to yield to the Lord in regard to finances.
But you will never reach a place of real faith until you have laid aside every other means of help, relief and deliverance. God does not bless means, except to those in the babyhood state of faith.
But those who by reason of time have reached a place of full knowledge that God does not bless fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; Ephesians 5:11-12.
If you want God’s best, you will lay your best on the alter. You see, real faith thanks God for deliverance, before God has acted or delivered. Anything short of that is not faith.
If I believe in the Scriptural sense, in Divine Healing, I praise God for my healing before I am healed. The same law holds in Salvation. “That it you confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is lord, and believe in your heart that He rose from the dead, you shall be saved.”
Man believes he is redeemed before he is born again, and when he believes then God acts. We make confession that the thing is done before God has done it. Then God does it.
Faith always praises before God acts.
Three Enemies of Healing
E.W. Kenyon
It is easier for us to face the problem of the failure of unanswered prayer, if we understand some of the reasons for it.
One of the Worst
One of the worst enemies of healing is, that unconsciously our hymn writers have all put our blessings into the future.
The theology that we sing eventually becomes the theology we believe.
We have unconsciously put all our blessings and Spiritual achievements into the “tomorrow.”
Almost no one speaks of their redemption rights in the present tense.
It is always, “I’m going to be.”
But the remarkable thing about the Scripture is that it is always in the present tense.
“In whom we have our redemption.” “Who was raised for our justification.”
There is the past and present blended in that glorious truth.
“By His stripes we were healed,” this is now!
“Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.”
This is all in the present tense. Sometimes He speaks of our redemption as having taken place.
If you can think of your healing as something that is done now; that has been accomplished on your behalf in Christ.
More than 130 times we are spoken of as being “in Christ.” If you are in Christ that is present tense. “You are complete in Him.” He is our fullness, our perfect redemption, now! You can see the great danger of our placing our blessings in “tomorrow.”
We have done it because of our sense of unfitness now; of our unworthiness now; and because of that sense of unfitness and unworthiness we have unconsciously pushed our victories and our healing into the future, when in reality, in the mind of God, we are healed now.
We are victors now! We are over-comers now! We are more than conquerors now in Christ Jesus!
Learn to think of yourself as indwelt, now through our Lord Jesus. Think of yourself as a victor, now; more than a conqueror now and you have placed yourself in your own mind where God has placed you.
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” Notice the “now.”
“For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” That is past tense.
That is salvation, healing, deliverance, victory, now! Praise the Lord!!!
The Second Enemy
The second enemy is Mental Assent. This, the most dangerous and the most subtle of all the enemies of the human soul.
One may be deceived for years thinking that it is faith that is acting when it is only mental assent. You can be a staunch advocate of the verbal inspiration of the Word of God; you can sit under the ministry of an able expositor of the Word of God, and still not believe in faith. Mental assent recognises the truths but it does not enjoy any of the present tense realities. They stand beside the showcase and gaze upon the beautiful gems within. They rejoice in them, they can point out the differences on them. They know the difference between a faulty stone and a perfect one, but they do not own any. There is a man who understands the great prophetical teachings; rejoices greatly in the finished work of Christ; yet lives in defeat; lives in the consciousness of utter failure. What is the trouble? He mental assents to everything, but doesn’t believe.
In contrast: A believer is one who has received; who has entered into the fullness; who enjoys the present tense of the Finished Work of Christ. If we could coin the word, a Believer is a “have-er.” He has; he enjoys the experiences and the riches of the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come. He has passed the period of mental assent into the actual realization of the glories of Christ.
The Third Enemy
A Third enemy is the fear of yielding all to Christ. It is the old problem of the Lordship of Christ. It is strange how a man fears to yield utterly, absolutely, to the Lordship of Jesus.
It is hard for the sick to give up their medicine and their doctors. It is hard for another to yield to the Lord in regard to finances.
But you will never reach a place of real faith until you have laid aside every other means of help, relief and deliverance. God does not bless means, except to those in the babyhood state of faith.
But those who by reason of time have reached a place of full knowledge that God does not bless fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; Ephesians 5:11-12.
If you want God’s best, you will lay your best on the alter. You see, real faith thanks God for deliverance, before God has acted or delivered. Anything short of that is not faith.
If I believe in the Scriptural sense, in Divine Healing, I praise God for my healing before I am healed. The same law holds in Salvation. “That it you confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is lord, and believe in your heart that He rose from the dead, you shall be saved.”
Man believes he is redeemed before he is born again, and when he believes then God acts. We make confession that the thing is done before God has done it. Then God does it.
Faith always praises before God acts.
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