About Harvest Family Church

HFC is a vibrant, contagious community of believers in Jesus Christ, filled with love for God, and His Spirit, His word and one another; with a mission to go and give that love away to whomever they encounter. John 13:34-35; John 17:20-23; Mark 16:15-16.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Does God Always Heal?

Does God Always Heal?

In considering the subject of Divine Healing and Its application to present day needs, the question, “Does God always heal” is very important. The church at large has taught that healing is dependent on the exercise of the will of God, and that the proper attitude for the Christian to assume is “If it be Thy will.” And continually we hear men say; “no doubt God can heal; He has the power, and He can if He will.”

I believe this attitude of mind and character of reasoning is due to misunderstanding of God’s Word and the will of God as revealed through Jesus Christ. I contend that God is always the Healer! I believe that it is not necessary for God to will, and that He does not will the healing, or non-healing of any individual. In His desire to bless mankind He willed once and for all and forever that man should be blessed and healed, and He gave Jesus Christ as a gift to the world, through whom this blessing was to be demonstrated and His willingness and desire to heal forever made clear.

Christians readily admit Jesus was the entire expression of the law, the life and will of God. He demonstrated forever by His words and acts what the mind of God toward the world was. He healed all that came to Him, never refusing a single person, but always giving them the desired blessing. In healing all, and never refusing one, He demonstrated forever the willingness of God to heal all, both believer and sinner.

It is absurd to think that only the good were healed by Jesus. “He healed all that came.” Their coming was sufficient to receive the blessing. He healed because it is the nature of God to heal, not a change of mind of God, nor was the mind of God changed toward a person through some special prayer, but whosoever was ready and willing to receive healing received it from the Lord. His grief is express in one incident in Matthew 13:58. “He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.”

Men have assumed that it was necessary to persuade God to heal them. God has manifested through Jesus Christ His desire to bless mankind. “He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent His Son into the world not to condemn the world, but that through Him the world might be saved”, John 3:16-17.
His method of saving the world, and what constituted His salvation, is shown in Matthew 4:23, “Jesus went about about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues [revealing the will of God], and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.” The knowledge of God’s will, His purpose to establish the Kingdom of Christ, and deliverance form sickness---a kindred blessing for spirit soul and body---are here provided, for in salvation.

The redemption of Jesus does not rest on His crucifixion alone. It rests equally in a combined victory of crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. Each step was an elevation in divine consciousness to one end, the bestowal of the Holy Spirit upon the world. Through His crucifixion He fulfilled the type and fact of the Jewish sacrifice. Through His resurrection He manifested and demonstrated His power over death, and that death itself was a captive. Through His ascension to the Throne of God, and through receiving from the Father the gift of the Holy Ghost, He was now equipped to bestow universal salvation upon whosoever would receive.

On the day of Pentecost, when the floodtide of the Holy Spirit broke over the church at Jerusalem, it’s glorious power radiated through their souls, and rested upon them as tongues of fire. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. The people demanded an explanation of the phenomenon, and Peter replied, “This Jesus God has raised up, we were all witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted [ascended] and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He poured out this, which you now see and hear” Acts 2:32-33.

It was the crowning climax of the redemptive power of God ministered through Jesus Christ to the world. From that day to this every soul is entitled to embrace to him self this blessed Spirit of God, that Jesus regarded as so valuable to mankind, so necessary for their healing and salvation, that He gave His life to obtain it.

The will of God to save men is undisputed be intelligent Christians. The will of God to heal every man is equally God’s purpose. God has not only made provision that through the Spirit of God received into the life, our souls may be blesses and our bodies healed, but further, we in turn are expected to distribute the Spirit’s power to others, that they likewise may be blessed and healed. “In My Name, “ said Jesus, “they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” Not a special priest or minister, not a particular individual endowed with peculiar powers, but the common believer, the everyday man, who accepts the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who becomes a declared disciple of the Son of God. (Read Mark 16: 14-20)

Consequently, it is not a question of “Does God always heal?” That is childish. It is rather a question of “Are we willing to embrace His healing?” If so, it is for us today and to receive. More, it is for all the world to receive, for every man too receive who will put his nature into contact with God through opening his heart to the Lord.

Jesus knowing the world’s need for healing, provided definitely for physicians patterned after Himself (ministers, disciples, priests, every believer), who would minister, not pills and potions, but the power of God. Gifts of healing are among the nine gifts of the Spirit provided for and to be perpetuated forever in the church as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
(1 Corinthians 12:8-11)

It is an evidence of ignorance of God’s Word to continue to discuss the question of “Does God always heal?” As though God healed sometimes and sometimes He did not. Enlightenment by the Holy Spirit through the Word reveals God always the Healer, is the Healer today, will be the Healer forever. “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). Consequently, there is healing for every man, for every disease, who will in faith embrace the Spirit of God, promised by the Father, ministered through Jesus Christ to the soul and body of all who desire the blessing.

Peter stated, “By His stripes you were healed.” (1 Peter 2:24) It was done in the mind of God when Jesus gave Himself as the eternal sacrifice, and has never had to be done again ever, and it will never be necessary for God to exercise His mind again for the healing of the individual. He willed it once; it is done forever. He made the provision and invites the world to embrace it. It is yours to have, yours to enjoy, and yours to impart to others.

A Study Guide

Jesus demonstrated the Father’s will. The leper spoke to Jesus, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean” and Jesus replied, “I will, be clean.” (Matthew 8:1-3) Why? “Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses” (Matthew 8:17).

Jesus healed all that came or were brought to Him!

Matthew 4:23, “Healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.”
Matthew 4:24, “Syria, and they brought unto Him all sick…and He healed them.”
Matthew 8:16 and Luke 4:39-41, Rebuked the fever and healed all in the town.
Matthew 12:15, “…and He healed them all.”
Matthew 15:30-31 “…and He healed them.” Great multitudes came to Him.
Matthew 21:14, “And the blind and the lame came…and He healed them.”
Luke 6:17-19, Great multitudes came and they were healed.
Luke 5:15, Great multitudes came to be healed of their infirmities.
Luke 7:21, He cured many plagues, infirmities, and blindness.
Luke 9:11, He healed all that had need of healing

Jesus, moved with compassion toward the multitude, healed their sick (Matthew 14:13-14).

That is the very nature of God to heal is demonstrated in the case of the woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 9:20-21 and Luke 8:43-37). This lady did not request Jesus to heal her. Neither did Jesus give his consent to her healing. She touched His garment by faith; and virtue went out of Him and made her whole.

Many touch Jesus and were made whole (Matthew 13:14:35-36; Mark 6:53-56; Mark 3:10).

Jesus healed without being asked. In John 5:6, He healed the impotent man.
He perfected subnormal bodies (birth defects). In John 9:6-7, He healed the man born blind. In Matthew 12:13, He restored a withered hand to normal.

Jesus healed people who were absent at the request of others (Matthew 8:13). He healed the centurion’s servant (Matthew 8:13) and the nobleman’s son (John 4:46-53).

He cast out devils (Luke 4:33-35); also see Luke 4:41. He cast seven devils out of Mary Magdalene (Luke 8:2) He cured many of evil spirits (Luke 7:21); se also Luke 11:14.

He healed all who would let Him. All He laid His hands on were healed. “And He could do no mighty works there, except that He laid hands on a few sick folk and healed them.” He was willing and able to heal the entire crowd if they had allowed Him to do so. They would not come and allow Him to lay His hands on them. He cannot be blamed for that (Mark 6:4-6).

Jesus sent out His twelve disciples to heal (Matthew 10:8 and Mark 6:12-13). He sent out the seventy to heal (Luke 10:9). Jesus healed after He was arrested (Luke 22:50-52.

His final command included healing to be a part of His continuing ministry through the believer (Mark 16:15-18, 20).

He came not “to destroy men’s iHis
lives, but to save them” Luke 9:56). This included the body as well as the soul and spirit. “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38). He came “to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). Jesus took pleasure in delivering men (Luke 10:21).

Jesus healed all that came to Him. He did not turn anyone down. He never told a single person that his sickness was making him better. He never told a single person that it would be better for him to remain under the oppression of the devil, as it was a blessing in disguise. He never told a single person to wit for healing until next year. Does God heal? Yes! Does He always heal? Absolutely! He is no different today (Hebrews 13:8).

The life of Jesus, His resurrection force, is a divine reality that impregnates the soul and spirit and body to man. It not only energizes his own being, but flashes from him into the life of another, and is a destroyer of sickness, a destroyer of sin, and a creative force that makes man a new in spirit, soul, and in body.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Three Enemies of Healing

Three Enemies of Healing
E.W. Kenyon

It is easier for us to face the problem of the failure of unanswered prayer, if we understand some of the reasons for it.

One of the Worst

One of the worst enemies of healing is, that unconsciously our hymn writers have all put our blessings into the future.

The theology that we sing eventually becomes the theology we believe.

We have unconsciously put all our blessings and Spiritual achievements into the “tomorrow.”

Almost no one speaks of their redemption rights in the present tense.

It is always, “I’m going to be.”

But the remarkable thing about the Scripture is that it is always in the present tense.

“In whom we have our redemption.” “Who was raised for our justification.”

There is the past and present blended in that glorious truth.

“By His stripes we were healed,” this is now!

“Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.”
This is all in the present tense. Sometimes He speaks of our redemption as having taken place.

If you can think of your healing as something that is done now; that has been accomplished on your behalf in Christ.

More than 130 times we are spoken of as being “in Christ.” If you are in Christ that is present tense. “You are complete in Him.” He is our fullness, our perfect redemption, now! You can see the great danger of our placing our blessings in “tomorrow.”

We have done it because of our sense of unfitness now; of our unworthiness now; and because of that sense of unfitness and unworthiness we have unconsciously pushed our victories and our healing into the future, when in reality, in the mind of God, we are healed now.

We are victors now! We are over-comers now! We are more than conquerors now in Christ Jesus!

Learn to think of yourself as indwelt, now through our Lord Jesus. Think of yourself as a victor, now; more than a conqueror now and you have placed yourself in your own mind where God has placed you.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” Notice the “now.”

“For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” That is past tense.

That is salvation, healing, deliverance, victory, now! Praise the Lord!!!
The Second Enemy

The second enemy is Mental Assent. This, the most dangerous and the most subtle of all the enemies of the human soul.

One may be deceived for years thinking that it is faith that is acting when it is only mental assent. You can be a staunch advocate of the verbal inspiration of the Word of God; you can sit under the ministry of an able expositor of the Word of God, and still not believe in faith. Mental assent recognises the truths but it does not enjoy any of the present tense realities. They stand beside the showcase and gaze upon the beautiful gems within. They rejoice in them, they can point out the differences on them. They know the difference between a faulty stone and a perfect one, but they do not own any. There is a man who understands the great prophetical teachings; rejoices greatly in the finished work of Christ; yet lives in defeat; lives in the consciousness of utter failure. What is the trouble? He mental assents to everything, but doesn’t believe.

In contrast: A believer is one who has received; who has entered into the fullness; who enjoys the present tense of the Finished Work of Christ. If we could coin the word, a Believer is a “have-er.” He has; he enjoys the experiences and the riches of the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come. He has passed the period of mental assent into the actual realization of the glories of Christ.

The Third Enemy

A Third enemy is the fear of yielding all to Christ. It is the old problem of the Lordship of Christ. It is strange how a man fears to yield utterly, absolutely, to the Lordship of Jesus.

It is hard for the sick to give up their medicine and their doctors. It is hard for another to yield to the Lord in regard to finances.

But you will never reach a place of real faith until you have laid aside every other means of help, relief and deliverance. God does not bless means, except to those in the babyhood state of faith.

But those who by reason of time have reached a place of full knowledge that God does not bless fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; Ephesians 5:11-12.

If you want God’s best, you will lay your best on the alter. You see, real faith thanks God for deliverance, before God has acted or delivered. Anything short of that is not faith.

If I believe in the Scriptural sense, in Divine Healing, I praise God for my healing before I am healed. The same law holds in Salvation. “That it you confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is lord, and believe in your heart that He rose from the dead, you shall be saved.”

Man believes he is redeemed before he is born again, and when he believes then God acts. We make confession that the thing is done before God has done it. Then God does it.
Faith always praises before God acts.
Three Enemies of Healing
E.W. Kenyon

It is easier for us to face the problem of the failure of unanswered prayer, if we understand some of the reasons for it.

One of the Worst

One of the worst enemies of healing is, that unconsciously our hymn writers have all put our blessings into the future.

The theology that we sing eventually becomes the theology we believe.

We have unconsciously put all our blessings and Spiritual achievements into the “tomorrow.”

Almost no one speaks of their redemption rights in the present tense.

It is always, “I’m going to be.”

But the remarkable thing about the Scripture is that it is always in the present tense.

“In whom we have our redemption.” “Who was raised for our justification.”

There is the past and present blended in that glorious truth.

“By His stripes we were healed,” this is now!

“Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.”
This is all in the present tense. Sometimes He speaks of our redemption as having taken place.

If you can think of your healing as something that is done now; that has been accomplished on your behalf in Christ.

More than 130 times we are spoken of as being “in Christ.” If you are in Christ that is present tense. “You are complete in Him.” He is our fullness, our perfect redemption, now! You can see the great danger of our placing our blessings in “tomorrow.”

We have done it because of our sense of unfitness now; of our unworthiness now; and because of that sense of unfitness and unworthiness we have unconsciously pushed our victories and our healing into the future, when in reality, in the mind of God, we are healed now.

We are victors now! We are over-comers now! We are more than conquerors now in Christ Jesus!

Learn to think of yourself as indwelt, now through our Lord Jesus. Think of yourself as a victor, now; more than a conqueror now and you have placed yourself in your own mind where God has placed you.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” Notice the “now.”

“For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” That is past tense.

That is salvation, healing, deliverance, victory, now! Praise the Lord!!!
The Second Enemy

The second enemy is Mental Assent. This, the most dangerous and the most subtle of all the enemies of the human soul.

One may be deceived for years thinking that it is faith that is acting when it is only mental assent. You can be a staunch advocate of the verbal inspiration of the Word of God; you can sit under the ministry of an able expositor of the Word of God, and still not believe in faith. Mental assent recognises the truths but it does not enjoy any of the present tense realities. They stand beside the showcase and gaze upon the beautiful gems within. They rejoice in them, they can point out the differences on them. They know the difference between a faulty stone and a perfect one, but they do not own any. There is a man who understands the great prophetical teachings; rejoices greatly in the finished work of Christ; yet lives in defeat; lives in the consciousness of utter failure. What is the trouble? He mental assents to everything, but doesn’t believe.

In contrast: A believer is one who has received; who has entered into the fullness; who enjoys the present tense of the Finished Work of Christ. If we could coin the word, a Believer is a “have-er.” He has; he enjoys the experiences and the riches of the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come. He has passed the period of mental assent into the actual realization of the glories of Christ.

The Third Enemy

A Third enemy is the fear of yielding all to Christ. It is the old problem of the Lordship of Christ. It is strange how a man fears to yield utterly, absolutely, to the Lordship of Jesus.

It is hard for the sick to give up their medicine and their doctors. It is hard for another to yield to the Lord in regard to finances.

But you will never reach a place of real faith until you have laid aside every other means of help, relief and deliverance. God does not bless means, except to those in the babyhood state of faith.

But those who by reason of time have reached a place of full knowledge that God does not bless fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; Ephesians 5:11-12.

If you want God’s best, you will lay your best on the alter. You see, real faith thanks God for deliverance, before God has acted or delivered. Anything short of that is not faith.

If I believe in the Scriptural sense, in Divine Healing, I praise God for my healing before I am healed. The same law holds in Salvation. “That it you confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is lord, and believe in your heart that He rose from the dead, you shall be saved.”

Man believes he is redeemed before he is born again, and when he believes then God acts. We make confession that the thing is done before God has done it. Then God does it.
Faith always praises before God acts.Three Enemies of Healing
E.W. Kenyon

It is easier for us to face the problem of the failure of unanswered prayer, if we understand some of the reasons for it.

One of the Worst

One of the worst enemies of healing is, that unconsciously our hymn writers have all put our blessings into the future.

The theology that we sing eventually becomes the theology we believe.

We have unconsciously put all our blessings and Spiritual achievements into the “tomorrow.”

Almost no one speaks of their redemption rights in the present tense.

It is always, “I’m going to be.”

But the remarkable thing about the Scripture is that it is always in the present tense.

“In whom we have our redemption.” “Who was raised for our justification.”

There is the past and present blended in that glorious truth.

“By His stripes we were healed,” this is now!

“Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.”
This is all in the present tense. Sometimes He speaks of our redemption as having taken place.

If you can think of your healing as something that is done now; that has been accomplished on your behalf in Christ.

More than 130 times we are spoken of as being “in Christ.” If you are in Christ that is present tense. “You are complete in Him.” He is our fullness, our perfect redemption, now! You can see the great danger of our placing our blessings in “tomorrow.”

We have done it because of our sense of unfitness now; of our unworthiness now; and because of that sense of unfitness and unworthiness we have unconsciously pushed our victories and our healing into the future, when in reality, in the mind of God, we are healed now.

We are victors now! We are over-comers now! We are more than conquerors now in Christ Jesus!

Learn to think of yourself as indwelt, now through our Lord Jesus. Think of yourself as a victor, now; more than a conqueror now and you have placed yourself in your own mind where God has placed you.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” Notice the “now.”

“For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” That is past tense.

That is salvation, healing, deliverance, victory, now! Praise the Lord!!!
The Second Enemy

The second enemy is Mental Assent. This, the most dangerous and the most subtle of all the enemies of the human soul.

One may be deceived for years thinking that it is faith that is acting when it is only mental assent. You can be a staunch advocate of the verbal inspiration of the Word of God; you can sit under the ministry of an able expositor of the Word of God, and still not believe in faith. Mental assent recognises the truths but it does not enjoy any of the present tense realities. They stand beside the showcase and gaze upon the beautiful gems within. They rejoice in them, they can point out the differences on them. They know the difference between a faulty stone and a perfect one, but they do not own any. There is a man who understands the great prophetical teachings; rejoices greatly in the finished work of Christ; yet lives in defeat; lives in the consciousness of utter failure. What is the trouble? He mental assents to everything, but doesn’t believe.

In contrast: A believer is one who has received; who has entered into the fullness; who enjoys the present tense of the Finished Work of Christ. If we could coin the word, a Believer is a “have-er.” He has; he enjoys the experiences and the riches of the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come. He has passed the period of mental assent into the actual realization of the glories of Christ.

The Third Enemy

A Third enemy is the fear of yielding all to Christ. It is the old problem of the Lordship of Christ. It is strange how a man fears to yield utterly, absolutely, to the Lordship of Jesus.

It is hard for the sick to give up their medicine and their doctors. It is hard for another to yield to the Lord in regard to finances.

But you will never reach a place of real faith until you have laid aside every other means of help, relief and deliverance. God does not bless means, except to those in the babyhood state of faith.

But those who by reason of time have reached a place of full knowledge that God does not bless fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; Ephesians 5:11-12.

If you want God’s best, you will lay your best on the alter. You see, real faith thanks God for deliverance, before God has acted or delivered. Anything short of that is not faith.

If I believe in the Scriptural sense, in Divine Healing, I praise God for my healing before I am healed. The same law holds in Salvation. “That it you confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is lord, and believe in your heart that He rose from the dead, you shall be saved.”

Man believes he is redeemed before he is born again, and when he believes then God acts. We make confession that the thing is done before God has done it. Then God does it.
Faith always praises before God acts.
Three Enemies of Healing
E.W. Kenyon

It is easier for us to face the problem of the failure of unanswered prayer, if we understand some of the reasons for it.

One of the Worst

One of the worst enemies of healing is, that unconsciously our hymn writers have all put our blessings into the future.

The theology that we sing eventually becomes the theology we believe.

We have unconsciously put all our blessings and Spiritual achievements into the “tomorrow.”

Almost no one speaks of their redemption rights in the present tense.

It is always, “I’m going to be.”

But the remarkable thing about the Scripture is that it is always in the present tense.

“In whom we have our redemption.” “Who was raised for our justification.”

There is the past and present blended in that glorious truth.

“By His stripes we were healed,” this is now!

“Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.”
This is all in the present tense. Sometimes He speaks of our redemption as having taken place.

If you can think of your healing as something that is done now; that has been accomplished on your behalf in Christ.

More than 130 times we are spoken of as being “in Christ.” If you are in Christ that is present tense. “You are complete in Him.” He is our fullness, our perfect redemption, now! You can see the great danger of our placing our blessings in “tomorrow.”

We have done it because of our sense of unfitness now; of our unworthiness now; and because of that sense of unfitness and unworthiness we have unconsciously pushed our victories and our healing into the future, when in reality, in the mind of God, we are healed now.

We are victors now! We are over-comers now! We are more than conquerors now in Christ Jesus!

Learn to think of yourself as indwelt, now through our Lord Jesus. Think of yourself as a victor, now; more than a conqueror now and you have placed yourself in your own mind where God has placed you.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” Notice the “now.”

“For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” That is past tense.

That is salvation, healing, deliverance, victory, now! Praise the Lord!!!
The Second Enemy

The second enemy is Mental Assent. This, the most dangerous and the most subtle of all the enemies of the human soul.

One may be deceived for years thinking that it is faith that is acting when it is only mental assent. You can be a staunch advocate of the verbal inspiration of the Word of God; you can sit under the ministry of an able expositor of the Word of God, and still not believe in faith. Mental assent recognises the truths but it does not enjoy any of the present tense realities. They stand beside the showcase and gaze upon the beautiful gems within. They rejoice in them, they can point out the differences on them. They know the difference between a faulty stone and a perfect one, but they do not own any. There is a man who understands the great prophetical teachings; rejoices greatly in the finished work of Christ; yet lives in defeat; lives in the consciousness of utter failure. What is the trouble? He mental assents to everything, but doesn’t believe.

In contrast: A believer is one who has received; who has entered into the fullness; who enjoys the present tense of the Finished Work of Christ. If we could coin the word, a Believer is a “have-er.” He has; he enjoys the experiences and the riches of the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come. He has passed the period of mental assent into the actual realization of the glories of Christ.

The Third Enemy

A Third enemy is the fear of yielding all to Christ. It is the old problem of the Lordship of Christ. It is strange how a man fears to yield utterly, absolutely, to the Lordship of Jesus.

It is hard for the sick to give up their medicine and their doctors. It is hard for another to yield to the Lord in regard to finances.

But you will never reach a place of real faith until you have laid aside every other means of help, relief and deliverance. God does not bless means, except to those in the babyhood state of faith.

But those who by reason of time have reached a place of full knowledge that God does not bless fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; Ephesians 5:11-12.

If you want God’s best, you will lay your best on the alter. You see, real faith thanks God for deliverance, before God has acted or delivered. Anything short of that is not faith.

If I believe in the Scriptural sense, in Divine Healing, I praise God for my healing before I am healed. The same law holds in Salvation. “That it you confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is lord, and believe in your heart that He rose from the dead, you shall be saved.”

Man believes he is redeemed before he is born again, and when he believes then God acts. We make confession that the thing is done before God has done it. Then God does it.
Faith always praises before God acts.