"Therefoe if anyone is in Christ he is a new Creation (new species)" 1 Cor. 5:17
This is not only a challenge but a statement of fact. I am convinced that few have ever fathomed the depths of the possibilities of this New Creation life. Let me suggest the possibilities are limitless. You have become one with God. You have become His very child The great God, the omnipotent God, is your Father. He calls you, "Heir of God and Joint-Heir with Jesus Christ. He calls us "members of His body," partakers of His holiness. He calls us His Righteousness, and many other terms that stagger us. The challenge is for us who have become partakers of His Nature, sons and daughters of the very God of the Universe, to live and walk as those who are.
Let use take our place as Jesus took His. Jesus acted the Son part. Let us, you and I act the son part now. He answered the heart-cry of the Father for a perfect child, who would respond to His love. Let us, before we do anything else, satisfy the heart-cry of the Father. Instead of trying to perform prodigies and do miracles, let us become lovers; Jesus-like, lovers. This is not a theory it is a challenge.
What limitless possibilities there are in the indwelling fact that God has made our bodies His home; to think through our minds and to love through our hearts and to will through our wills.
The scriptures have thrown a challenge squarely in our face. What are we going to do with it? God knows that we need something unusual. That thing is Jesus. Not a literary Jesus, not a phiosophical Jesus, but the Jesus of Galilee walking, living in us now. The risen, seated, triumphant Jesus living His life in us.
God challenges us with the blood of His Son. Let us answer with our blood, our best, our life. We have been small and cheap. We have allowed the adversary to run rough-shod over us long enough. Let us live the victorious life. Let us answer back.
"Father make real in me, all that Jesus made real for me". Here is the opportunity. We accept the challenge. Come, live your life in me. Be as big, loving, tender, gentle, as your heart craves to be. Use me as the platform from which thou will speak. Use me as the temple in which you will dwell. Use me down at the office or in the shop or in the factory, or in the home. But use me, Lord! Reproduce your self in me. Cease to be a theory in the heart of man, and become the living, throbbing, miracle-working God through me, if you will, Lord ---begin today